
Learn how to organize your data with tagging through the Hyper API.

In Hyper, tagging is an essential feature that allows developers to categorize and manage their data efficiently. By tagging uploaded files, URLs/Sitemaps, and data synced from integrations, developers can ensure that their data is easily searchable and retrievable. This is particularly useful when using Hyper's RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) LLM capabilities for querying specific responses.

Methods of Tagging

Manual Tagging

Manual tagging is a process where developers can apply custom tags to their data entries programmatically via the Hyper API.

Steps to Manually Tag Data via the API:

  1. Identify the Data: Determine the data entry that you wish to tag.
  2. Create Tags: Construct an API request that includes the data identifier and the tags you wish to apply.
  3. API Call: Use the appropriate endpoint to send your request and apply the tags to your data.


Auto-tagging automates the tagging process by allowing developers to define rules that the Hyper API can use to automatically apply tags to incoming data.

Setting Up Auto-Tagging:

  1. Define Tagging Rules: Create rules that will trigger the application of specific tags.
  2. Implement Auto-Tagging: Incorporate these rules into your API setup so that incoming data is automatically tagged according to the rules you've established.

Purpose of Tagging

Tagging serves several key purposes:

  • Filtering: Tags enable developers to filter data when querying for RAG LLM responses. This makes data retrieval more efficient and relevant.
  • Organization: Tags help in managing and categorizing large datasets, which is critical for maintaining an effective data pipeline.
  • Integration: When data is sourced from various integrations, tags provide a unified method to manage this diverse data effectively.

Getting Started

To begin with tagging in Hyper, follow these steps:

  1. Understand Your Data: Review the types of data you are working with and determine appropriate tagging categories.
  2. Decide on Tagging Mechanism: Choose between manual and auto-tagging based on your needs or use a combination of both.
  3. Use Hyper API: Implement tagging through the API endpoints provided by Hyper.
  4. Iterate and Optimize: Continuously refine your tagging strategy to improve data retrieval and management.

For further details on Hyper's tagging API, please refer to the API documentation.