Amazon S3

Seamlessly integrate Amazon S3 with Hyper for robust data storage and querying capabilities.

Leverage the power of Amazon S3 with Hyper's Data Connectors to manage and query large-scale data with ease. This guide details the steps to connect your Amazon S3 storage buckets to Hyper, allowing you to perform sophisticated RAG queries on the stored data.


  • An active Amazon S3 account
  • Access credentials (Access Key ID and Secret Access Key)
  • Permissions set in AWS IAM to access the required S3 buckets
  • Network access from Hyper to your S3 buckets

Connecting Amazon S3 in the Hyper UI

AWS Credentials and Bucket Configuration

  1. Access Hyper UI: Log into the Hyper user interface.

  2. Navigate to Data Sources: Select the 'Data Sources' section to manage your integrations.

  3. Add Amazon S3: Choose Amazon S3 from the list of data sources to start the connection process.

  4. Provide Credentials: Enter your AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.

  5. Specify Bucket Details: Input the name of the S3 bucket you wish to integrate and any necessary prefix.

  6. Test Connection: Verify that Hyper can establish a connection to your S3 bucket.

  7. Save Configuration: Upon a successful test, save your S3 configuration with Hyper.

Data Ingestion and Querying

After connecting to Amazon S3, you can start ingesting and querying your data:

  1. Schedule Data Sync: Set up how frequently Hyper should pull data from your S3 bucket.

  2. Data Mapping: Define how your S3 data corresponds to Hyper's data entities.

  3. Vectorize Data: Utilize Hyper's tools to transform your data into a vectorized format suitable for RAG queries.

  4. Initiate Data Sync: Begin the synchronization process to import your data into Hyper's platform.

  5. Query Data: Use Hyper's API to execute RAG queries and derive insights from your S3-stored data.

Access Control and Security

Ensure that your Amazon S3 data within Hyper is handled securely:

  1. Role-Based Access Control: Implement roles with specific permissions for your S3 data within Hyper.

  2. Authentication: Manage access through Hyper's authentication mechanisms for both users and services.

  3. Secure Connection: Confirm that the connection to your S3 buckets is secure, ideally using HTTPS.

  4. Audit Trails: Maintain logs of access and queries to your data through Hyper for security tracking and compliance.

Best Practices

  • Regularly rotate your AWS access keys and update Hyper with the new credentials.
  • Adhere to the principle of least privilege when setting IAM policies for S3 access.
  • Monitor the impact of data synchronization on your AWS costs and S3 performance.

By integrating Amazon S3 with Hyper, you unlock a powerful combination of scalable storage and advanced querying capabilities, enhancing the potential of your data-driven applications.