
Connect and integrate Salesforce with Hyper for optimized data ingestion and querying.

Integrating Salesforce with Hyper allows for the efficient synchronization of data and the use of Hyper's querying capabilities. This guide provides steps for setting up the Salesforce data connector, tailored to Salesforce's specific app configuration process.

Connecting Salesforce in the Hyper UI

  1. Access Hyper UI: Log into the Hyper user interface.

  2. Navigate to Data Sources: Find the section where you can manage your data sources.

  3. Add Salesforce: Select Salesforce from the list of available data sources to begin the connection setup.

  4. Authenticate: Authenticate using your Salesforce credentials to allow Hyper access to your Salesforce data.

  5. Select Data: Choose the Salesforce objects or reports you wish to sync with Hyper.

  6. Initiate Synchronization: Configure the sync settings to start the data ingestion process into Hyper.

Salesforce OAuth Configuration

  1. Create a Salesforce Connected App: Go to your Salesforce instance and create a new connected app with OAuth settings.

  2. Obtain API Credentials: After setting up the connected app, take note of the consumer key and consumer secret.

  3. Set Callback URL: Configure the callback URL provided by Hyper to ensure proper OAuth flow.

  4. Implement OAuth Flow: Within your application, implement the OAuth flow to enable users to authorize access to their Salesforce data.

  5. Exchange Authorization Code for Access Token: Following user authorization, exchange the authorization code for an access token and refresh token.

  6. Securely Store Tokens: Ensure that both tokens are stored securely within your application.

  7. Handle Token Refresh: Implement token refresh logic to maintain access when the current token expires.

Querying Salesforce Data with Hyper

After integrating Salesforce with Hyper, you can:

  1. Ingest Data: Use Hyper's API to ingest data from Salesforce.

  2. Apply RAG Queries: Perform complex RAG queries on your Salesforce data for deeper insights and analytics.

  3. Maintain Data Freshness: Utilize the automatic synchronization feature to keep your Salesforce data up-to-date within Hyper.

  4. Leverage Webhooks: Set up webhooks in Salesforce to push updates to Hyper, enabling real-time data syncing.

Access Control and Security

When handling Salesforce data, it's important to:

  1. Define Access Levels: Clearly define access levels within your Salesforce organization.

  2. Enforce Permissions: Use Hyper's access control features to enforce permissions based on user roles.

  3. Manage User Sessions: Monitor user sessions and link them to the validity of Salesforce access tokens.

By following these steps, developers can harness the full potential of Hyper's capabilities using Salesforce data, maintaining robust security and access control measures throughout the integration process.