
Connect and integrate your Redis database with Hyper to enable robust data ingestion and querying capabilities.

Integrating your Redis database with Hyper enhances your ability to perform complex queries and gain insights from your database. This guide will walk you through the steps to connect your Redis database to Hyper using the database connection information.


  • A running Redis database
  • Access credentials (host, port, database name, username, and password)
  • Network access from Hyper to your Redis database

Connecting Redis in the Hyper UI

Database Connection Information

  1. Access Hyper UI: Log into the Hyper user interface.

  2. Navigate to Data Sources: Go to the section where you can manage your data sources.

  3. Add Redis: Select Redis from the list of data sources and initiate the connection process.

  4. Provide Connection Details: Enter the required database connection information, including host, port, database name, username, and password.

  5. Test Connection: Use the provided functionality to test if Hyper can successfully connect to your Redis database.

  6. Save Configuration: Once the connection is successful, save the configuration.

Data Ingestion and Querying

With Redis connected, you can ingest and query data:

  1. Schedule Data Sync: Configure synchronization settings to determine how often Hyper should pull data from Redis.

  2. Data Mapping: Map your database tables and columns to the corresponding entities within Hyper.

  3. Vectorize Data: Use Hyper's tools to vectorize your data, making it ready for RAG queries.

  4. Initiate Data Sync: Start the data synchronization process to ingest data into Hyper.

  5. Query Data: Execute RAG queries using Hyper's API to gain insights from your Redis data.

Access Control and Security

Ensure that access to the Redis data within Hyper is secure:

  1. Role-Based Access Control: Define roles with specific permissions regarding the Redis data.

  2. Authentication: Use Hyper's authentication system to manage which users or services can access or modify the data.

  3. Secure Connection: Ensure that the connection to your Redis database is encrypted, using SSL if necessary.

  4. Audit Logs: Keep audit logs of the data access and queries made through Hyper for security and compliance purposes.

Best Practices

  • Regularly update your database credentials and rotate passwords.
  • Limit access to the Redis database to only what is necessary for Hyper's operation.
  • Monitor the performance impact on your Redis server due to data sync operations.

By following these steps, you can successfully integrate your Redis database with Hyper, leveraging its powerful querying capabilities for your data-driven applications.