
Connect and integrate Supabase with Hyper to streamline data ingestion and enhance querying capabilities.

Integrating Supabase with Hyper allows for efficient management of real-time databases, authentication, and instant APIs in a serverless environment. This integration enables seamless data synchronization and robust querying with Hyper's powerful platform.


  • An active Supabase project
  • Supabase API keys (public and secret keys)
  • Knowledge of your Supabase database schema

Connecting Supabase in the Hyper UI

Supabase API Key Configuration

  1. Access Hyper UI: Log into the Hyper user interface.

  2. Navigate to Data Sources: Proceed to the section for managing your data sources.

  3. Add Supabase: Choose Supabase from the list of available data sources to start the configuration process.

  4. API Key Authentication: Input your Supabase project's API keys to authenticate and establish a secure connection between Hyper and Supabase.

  5. Define Data Sync Rules: Specify the tables and data you wish to synchronize with Hyper, as well as the sync frequency.

  6. Save Configuration: After setting up the data sync rules, save your configuration to initiate the data ingestion process.

Data Ingestion and Querying

Once Supabase is connected, start utilizing Hyper's features:

  1. Automated Sync: Data from Supabase will be automatically synchronized based on the defined rules and frequency.

  2. Data Mapping: Align your Supabase schema with Hyper's data structure to ensure proper data representation.

  3. Vectorize Data: Convert your data into a vectorized format, making it queryable through Hyper's RAG queries.

  4. Execute Queries: Leverage Hyper's API to perform advanced queries on the ingested data for valuable insights.

Access Control and Security

Maintain high security standards while accessing Supabase data:

  1. Use Secret Key Sparingly: Only use the Supabase secret key where necessary, and keep it confidential to prevent unauthorized access.

  2. Role-Based Access Controls: Implement detailed user permissions within Hyper to regulate access to the Supabase data.

  3. Monitor Activity: Regularly review logs and activities to ensure secure and compliant data operations.

  4. Data Encryption: Ensure data is encrypted during transfer and at rest.

Best Practices

  • Regularly rotate API keys to enhance security.
  • Keep your Supabase project and Hyper environment isolated from public access.
  • Apply the principle of least privilege when setting up roles and permissions.
  • Monitor and optimize data sync to prevent performance bottlenecks.

By methodically connecting Supabase with Hyper and adhering to security best practices, you can amplify your application's data capabilities while ensuring secure and efficient operations.